My progress with the research design is not as far as I would have hoped at this point in the semester. I have successfully found numerous articles to source my literature review and I have read through many of them, highlighting important information as I go. However, the lit review still stands as just that... bits and pieces within articles and not yet compiled nicely into the lit review section.
The population for my design is quite small and would be collected through criterion sampling within the school that the researching counselor is working at. The information gained could not be generalized, but is beneficial to the counselor in order to provide services for the students that he or she is responsible for. This makes the design very small, but I believe it can be extremely useful when trying to create programs and groups for these students.
The threats to internal validity concerning my research question is a section that I am unsure of. The blog post about the threats will be helpful, but I have to actually sit down and look into it a bit more after I have everything else figured out in my paper.
I am hoping that by the end of this week I will have substantially more done with the paper. I plan on having it turned in before the Thanksgiving break for review. I just haven't been able to get myself in gear so far. We'll see how it goes.
So, it sounds like there are no questions for me..?